Kettle Change & Pulse-Fire Conversion
We have successfully completed another kettle change, pulse-fire conversion and controls upgrade in this Galvanizing shop.
We have successfully completed another kettle change, pulse-fire conversion and controls upgrade in this Galvanizing shop.
How about some combustion to start the day?
The typical service life of a Galvanizing kettle is 5-7 years, by which time the kettle walls become thin and leaks develop. CIC Pittsburgh has helped with hundreds of kettle…
This was a busy week for the service team at CIC Pittsburgh. We installed and commissioned a new Galvanizing Furnace control system, installed a new furnace temperature display, and provided…
Galvanizing Kettle White Fume Enclosures, combined with a high-efficiency baghouse, provide the means to capture as much as 99% of particulate emissions from the galvanizing process. The enclosures supplied by…