Award-Winning AGA Projects

Each year, the American Galvanizers Association (AGA) releases winners of the Annual Excellence in Hot Dip Galvanizing Awards. Over 100 projects are submitted each year, representing a variety of applications of hot-dip galvanizing. The finalists are judged by a panel of architects and engineers.

CIC Pittsburgh is pleased to announce that 12 of the 16 2024 award winning projects used a galvanizing furnace technology supplied by CIC Pittsburgh. These posts highlight award winning projects from 2019-2024.

Mira Gut Bridge

CAPE BRETON, NS CANADA 2023 Valmont Coatings – Pure Metal Galvanizing Brantford The Mira Gut Bridge has breathed new life into the Cape Breton community. It’s a symbol of unity,… 

REM Light Rail Phase 1

MONTREAL, QC CANADA 2023 Corbec – Montreal Low initial cost, renowned exceptionally long and low maintenance service life, factory-controlled reliable quality and tight product control and identification, extremely high abrasion…